Hypnosis can help you tap into your subconscious mind for lasting change.

Do you have a fear of flying? Of medical offices? Of loud noises? Hypnotherapy can often make a huge difference when it comes to the treatment of phobias.

Do you struggle with anxiety or panic? Hypnotherapy can often help to create more relaxation and ease in the body and the mind.

Do you have chronic pain? Hypnotherapy can often create more ease help you to have less pain and start enjoying your life again.

Weight Loss
Have you tried everything to try to lose weight? Hypnotherapy has been shown to create new habits and behaviors to help you achieve a healthy weight.

Is your “thing” not listed here? I often receive calls from people asking to change something I have not worked with before. It can be an exploration though it almost always makes a positive change. Please let me know if there’s something you’re looking to change with hypnotherapy and we can see what’s possible.



